In addition to large corporations, many small and medium-sized companies are increasingly serving the European market. The growing interdependence of economic relations across borders requires employees who are familiar with foreign trade at an early stage.

Training abroad

Therefore, trainees who are curious about other countries and want to improve their language skills should definitely do part of their education abroad .

Since 2005, the Vocational Training Act states that up to a quarter of the training can be completed abroad. The aim of the "Vocational Training without Borders" program is to noticeably increase the number of experienced foreigners, ie to realize cross-border mobility already during the training or afterwards

There are several ways to get support abroad. The recognition of the training content should not be a problem, provided that they resemble in the foreign company in about those who are at home on the curriculum.

Mobility consultants from the chambers of industry and commerce as well as the chambers of trade and industry answer questions on vocational training abroad. They inform trainees - but also businesses and vocational schools - about how a stay abroad is organized and takes place during vocational training, including:

How do you find a company abroad?
Who finances the stay?
Is the stay recognized at all?

The apprentice can complete a maximum of 25% of the training period abroad. The stay abroad is included as a training measure in the training contract. The approval of the training company must be given, because it also pays the training allowance during the stay abroad. Companies receive a financial subsidy per week to support their trainees. The receiving company can also pay part of the costs. Costs for travel and accommodation must be borne by the trainee. However, there is also support here in the form of grants - eg through the Leonardo da Vinci and ESF funding programs. The minimum duration of funding is three weeks.

In principle, a stay abroad is possible worldwide. Support programs are only available within the EU. The training goal must always be superficial. Only then will you have language skills and intercultural skills.